
Chart of the Day: Nationwide Consumer Confidence Index

Geoff Riley

9th April 2008

First published in May 2004, the Nationwide Building Society’s consumer confidence index is a recent addition to the phalanx of indices seeking to track changes in household sentiment and give us a lead indicator of where the economic cycle might be heading. 1,000 adults are interviewed each month, in a survey that is the closest we get in the UK to the Conference Board surveys published in the United States,The Index is based on responses to 5 questions included in the survey:

People’s appraisal of current economic conditions People’s expectations regarding economic conditions six months hence People’s appraisal of the current employment conditions People’s expectations regarding employment conditions six months hence People’s expectations regarding their total family income six months hence

The latest figures were released today and show the weakest confidence since the survey was launched, evidence perhaps that the gloomier economic headlines dominating the papers and TV news coverage in recent days and weeks is starting to show through. Looking a little at the detail within the survey, it seems that people’s expectations for the economy in six months time are improving slightly, but on balance those surveyed still expect house prices to rise during 2008. Perhaps the news on property prices from the last few days will change this perception in the May survey?

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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