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Caveman with a Computer Resurfaces in Brexit Debate

21st August 2017
Patrick Minford has produced a report that suggests a UK economy fully liberated from the EU stands to make significant macroeconomic gains.
Minford argues that free trade benefits consumers directly from lower prices and puts pressure on businesses to raise productivity and reduce their unit costs.
It didn't take long for the bulk of the Economics profession to wade in and criticise his assumptions and forecasts!
Monique Ebell, Economist at NIESR and the ESRC Centre for Macroeconomics goes head to head with Minford on BBC radio 4.
The Economists for Brexit predictions are inconsistent with the basic facts of international trade
— Patrick Dunleavy (@PJDunleavy) August 24, 2017
An amazing detail from Minford's "Economists for Brexit" paper - they believe there are border checks on the Northern Ireland/Irish border.
— Steve Peers (@StevePeers) August 20, 2017
Siemens UK CEO isn't onboard with predictions of a £135bn Brexit windfall for British economy...
— Josh Posaner (@joshposaner) August 20, 2017
His pre EU referendum forecast had no sterling depreciation, no rise in inflation and no economic slowdown.
— Chris Giles (@ChrisGiles_) August 20, 2017
Brexit and customs union — what’s at stake not only during transition via @FT
— Chris Giles (@ChrisGiles_) August 10, 2017
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