
Cambridge Marshall Society Economics Conference - February 2022

Geoff Riley

13th October 2021

We are pleased to alert teachers and students to news of the planned conference being run by the Marshall Society at Cambridge.

The Marshall Society of the University of Cambridge is excited to announce the 2022 Marshall Conference. This event will be coming back bigger than ever with a full in person conference planned for Saturday 5th February 2022 at the University of Cambridge.

The theme of this conference is "CRISIS: Dealing with Economic Catastrophe" which seems fitting following the massive shock the global economy felt following the COVID-19 pandemic. Last year economic activity plummeted, jobless claims soared and debt rose massively. This is the perfect time to discuss how economics should respond to crisis. Is national debt a problem? Is the macroeconomy inherently unstable? How do we deal with longer term structural challenges?

This year the event will be held at the Lady Mitchell Hall on the Sidgewick Site at the University of Cambridge. This is a massive auditorium that seats up to 500 people and is located right next the economics faculty and the lecture blocks. This will give students are real insight into what studying economics at Cambridge is like. We also plan to have a representative of the faculty talk to students about what the degree is like and provide some top tips on applications.

Further details can be found here

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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