
Businesses back a widening of the EU

Geoff Riley

26th May 2008

Strong backing for a further widening of the boundaries of the EU single market is reported in the Sunday Telegraph. Students preparing for the forthcoming AQA Unit 4 paper on the Economics of the EU will find this relevant - both for the content and also for the distinctive views of different stakeholders in the EU expansion debate. Identifying value judgements in extracts is one of the key skills of the exam.

The article reports that

“Some of Britain’s biggest companies are backing the enlargement of the European Union, arguing that the economies of Eastern Europe provide lucrative growth opportunities. Key City figures, including chief executives from advertising giant WPP, life assurer Aviva and steel group Corus supported the principle, arguing that the British economy stands to benefit. New research from Business for Europe, an independent coalition of business leaders, also shows there is strong backing amongst the business community for open labour markets. The survey revealed 67 per cent of businesses agree Turkey should be allowed to become an EU member if it can meet the same requirements as other new member states.”

Rest of the article can be found here

My study companion “The European Economy in Focus 2008” is still available from the Tutor2u site for those wanting a revision resource ahead of the June papers.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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