
Big vs small government - the life of Julia.

Ben Cahill

26th June 2012

As the American presidential race starts to heat up, one of the key differences between the two candidates is their policies on how much support the government should give to the average person (in this case “Julia”). Barack Obama favors more support (and therefore more spending) whereas Mitt Romney favors less support (and therefore less spending).

The original The Life of Julia is a slideshow that depicts how an Obama led administration helps Julia over all stages of her life and highlights the places where a Romney led government would cause her to be worse off. Perhaps surprisingly, those behind the promotion did not reserve the domain name. Going to this link shows the opposite perspective - inefficient and wasteful government spending, labour regulations and the influence of unions all lead Julia to be worse off, finishing up with a quote from Milton Friedman about evaluating the success of government programs.

The presidential race looks to be tightening up and in the end it may well come down to what people believe about Julia - does the government help or hinder her?

Ben Cahill

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