
Best Jobs in America 2012

Ben Christopher

19th January 2013

According to’s 2012 Jobs Rated Report found here, the best job in America in terms of pay and stress levels is as an online employee, closely followed by a mathematician, though you do need a minimum of a Ph.d and a love of numbers apparently! If you want the big bucks then maybe a securities trader is for you. The #1 worst job is a "roustabout/roughneck" which is, in case you didn't know, a job which requires employees to "perform routine physical labor and maintenance on oil rigs and pipelines, both on and offshore." The graphic could be used to stimulate debate on wage and non wage factors plus there's some interesting data on the US labour market.Totally unrelated but has anyone come across yet? Type in any text about yourself and watch it be transformed - it is most definitely the shizzle! Enjoy!

Ben Christopher

Now teaching in Dubai.

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