Battle of the energy drinks
13th April 2008
I popped into my local Sainsbury’s this morning for the groceries and I came across a staggering price differential between Red Bull - 250ml individual cans on sale for 88p or a pack of 4 for £3.29 - and Sainsbury’s own-brand caffeinated drink Blue Bolt which has been on sale for some time at just 26 pence for a 250ml can - less than one third of the price of a can of Red Bull.
Sainsbury’s of course is in competition with Tesco whose own brand is called Kick. I checked on Tesco online this lunchtime and Kick is available for 24p for the same size. Are Tesco and Sainsbury’s loss-leading on these products? How else might you explain the huge price difference between the own-brand products and their mainstream rival? After a brief taste test, Bolt reminds me more of Iron Brew but if it does the job of stimulating me on long drives or during late night marking, why pay such a crazy price premium?