
Austerity Musicals

Jim Riley

6th November 2011

As the global economy teeters on the brink of disaster and our political leaders demonstrate their complete inability to show effective leadership, many turn to Twitter for some much-needed light relief.

Take the suggestions that have been made for the hastag titled #austeritymusicals. The idea is simple. Take a well-known musical and rename it to make it relevant in the age of austerity. Here are some of the best suggestions. Come over to Twitter and add yours…

Austerity Musicals

Lidl Shop of Horrors
Bankers Away
Legally Conned
Mary NoJobbins
Annie Get Your Gun Back From Cash Convertors
Back to the Drachma
Mervyn King & I
The Pirates of Penance
Miss Sign-on
Madame Bettabuy
Charlie and the Chocolate Button
Gentlemen Defer Bonds
Seven Budgets for Seven Bailouts
We Will Rob You
Occupy Chicago
We Will Northern Rock You
Whistle Down the Deficit
Carousel is now See-Saw
John Defaulta in Haircut

...and of course,


Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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