
Attention grabbing

Geoff Riley

4th May 2008

The deadline for submitting an entry to the RES economics competition is just a week away! Students entering the competition might like to know that the initial round of judging will be taking place on the 12th June! On this day a team of teachers drawn from across the country will be enjoying a day away from the classroom with just one aim in mind, to read and find essays that grab their attention and which stand a chance to make it into the final short list!

With so many essays to read and judge, writing a lively introduction that engages with the reader is really important if you want your essay to stand a good chance. Each of the judges will have their own thoughts on what makes a good answer. From my point of view, I am looking for an essay that I really want to read to the end - so your opening does make a difference! The best essays will have at their heart a clear economic idea or policy (often it is better to narrow down your idea and develop it properly rather than try to paint on too broad a canvas). And we are looking for students who make the connection between their idea and policy and how this might be used to ‘improve peope’s lives’. You will need to persuade the reader, making good use of evidence and drawing on your background reading.

In short, please dont regard your answer as a normal homework essay! We want to see you going beyond the usual AS or A2 syllabus and taking a few risks!

Good luck this week ... we are really looking forward to reading your answers.

Don’t forget to stick to the rubric of the competition - clear presentation, spell-checking and all of those other ‘critical non-essentials’!!

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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