
Assorted Links (9 Jan)

Geoff Riley

9th January 2010

1/ The Times - Top Ten Credit Crunch Films - Kevin Maher chooses his selection of recession related films

2/ The Times - Prices of new cars will be open to offers - deep discounts in the prices of new cars are expected as the car scrappage scheme draws to a close.

3/ Independent - Virgin gets clearance for launch into banking - a good example here of one of the barriers to entry in the banking industry. Virgin needed a banking licence to break into the retail banking sector - it now has one

4/ Telegraph - The shortlist for worst takeover of the century - a super piece looking at some of the disastrous mergers and takeovers of recent years - some great examples to use in evaluation for essays on business integration/growth

5/ Vox - The impact of crisis-driven protectionism on EU exports: The “Russian doll” effect - useful background on the rise of protectionism in the global economy and the impact this has had on the EU economy

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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