
Assorted Links (5 Jan 2010)

Geoff Riley

5th January 2010

1/ Telegraph - Boiler scrappage scheme starts today - details of the latest consumer subsidy, following on from the car scrappage scheme. This BBC news video provides further background.

2/ Vox EU - Exploring the waterbed effect - an interesting article on the so-called waterbed effect, where regulation to limit or cut charges such as minimum banking charges for going overdrawn, or roaming charges set by mobile phone operators leads suppliers to raise prices elsewhere to by-pass the effects of regulation.

3/ The Times - Cambridge University goes to the bond market - Cambridge is planning to raise up to £400 million from its first bond issue, following a trend set by Ivy League institutions in the United States to turn to the money markets for funding. The money is designed to fund long term investment, and the university is expecting a AAA rating! Jim has a related blog post on Manchester United and bond finance.

4/ Telegraph: IMF: ‘Commodity prices to rise in 2010’ - the prices of many commodities are likely to increase further because of strong demand and global economic expansion moving at a faster pace. Higher commodity prices have demand and supply-side effects on the economy.

5/ Tutor2u - Wave Pools and public goods - these two video might make a great way to discuss the non-rival nature of public goods and the rival nature of private goods!

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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