
Assorted Links (2 Jan 2010)

Geoff Riley

2nd January 2010

1/ Guardian- In just 25 years, the mobile phone has transformed the way we communicate - super background to the emergence of the mobile phone and the tipping point for demand when prices and network coverage improved dramatically in the late 1990s

2/ The Times - Trawlermen set to star in their own telefishin’ show - an interesting angle on the ways in which the EU can monitor the problem of fish discards that have become endemic as a result of the weaknesses of the common fisheries policy.

3/ Enlightenment Economics - Diane Coyle chooses her most popular posts from 2009 - Diane’s blog is a terrific source of comment on the flow of new economics books arriving on the bookshelves.

4/ John Kay - Look back in anger at the spirit of the age - John Kay on fine form here reviewing some of the unfortunate comments made by financiers during the bubbles they helped to spawn. There is a neat angle here on the “group-think” aspect of behavioural biases that we see happening towards the end of financial bubbles

5/ BBC Global Business - A Business lookahead to 2010 - Jonathan Frewin talks to Lionel Barber, editor of the Financial Times, and Daniel Franklin, editor of The Economist’s Year in 2010 magazine

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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