
Assorted Links (17 Jan 2010) - Business Economics

Geoff Riley

17th January 2010

1/ Sunday Times - BBC forecast for Met Office: changeable - a contestable market? The Met Office has in-built advantages but seems to be riddled with inefficiences and higher costs

2/ Independent - Facebook enters partnership with free McAfee deal - a good example of a joint venture, imperfect information and the freemium business model - almost half of internet users do not have adequate virus protection

3/ BBC news - Kraft ‘must increase its Cadbury takeover offer’ - the ongoing takeover battle for Cadbury, 45% of which is already owned by US investors!

4/ Telegraph - Starbucks looks beyond US for instant result - the fortunes of Stabucks seem to be improving, it has less than 10% of the US coffee market and must look overseas for more rapid growth

5/ BBC - Fred the Shred gets a new job - ironic that Goodwin is advising the architects RMJM which were behind the overdue and 11 times overpriced Scottish Parliament

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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