Assorted Links (17 Jan 2010) - Business Economics

17th January 2010
1/ Sunday Times - BBC forecast for Met Office: changeable - a contestable market? The Met Office has in-built advantages but seems to be riddled with inefficiences and higher costs
2/ Independent - Facebook enters partnership with free McAfee deal - a good example of a joint venture, imperfect information and the freemium business model - almost half of internet users do not have adequate virus protection
3/ BBC news - Kraft ‘must increase its Cadbury takeover offer’ - the ongoing takeover battle for Cadbury, 45% of which is already owned by US investors!
4/ Telegraph - Starbucks looks beyond US for instant result - the fortunes of Stabucks seem to be improving, it has less than 10% of the US coffee market and must look overseas for more rapid growth
5/ BBC - Fred the Shred gets a new job - ironic that Goodwin is advising the architects RMJM which were behind the overdue and 11 times overpriced Scottish Parliament