
AQA Unit 3 (Micro) Course Companion

Geoff Riley

7th April 2010

Our digital Course Companions for AQA A2 Economics provides authorative and cost-effective teaching and revision support for the AQA unit 3 and unit 4 exams. Provided in a variety of formats, including HTML & PDF, the A2 Economics Course Companion is the ideal textbook replacement and builds on tutor2u’s expertise in providing resources for AQA Economics units.

Details of the A2 Unit 3 (Micro) Course Companion can be found below

Download the AQA Economics Resource Order Form

1. Production in the Short and the Long Run
2. How can we calculate the costs of a firm?
3. Long Run Costs: Economies and Diseconomies of Scale
4. Business Revenues
5. Profits
6. What Objectives Do Firms Have?
7. Divorce between Ownership and Control
8. Technological Change, Costs and Supply in the Long-run
9. The Growth of Firms
10. Perfect Competition
11. Monopolistic Competition
12. The Model of Monopoly
13. Barriers to Entry and Exit in Markets
14. Price Discrimination
15. Monopoly and Economic Efficiency
16. Collusive and Non-Collusive Oligopoly
17. Oligopoly and Game Theory
18. Contestable Markets
19. Monopsony Power in Product Markets
20. Consumer and Producer Surplus
21. Price Takers and Price Makers – Pricing Power
22. Competition Policy and Regulation
23. Privatisation and Nationalisation – The Mixed Economy
24. The Labour Market
25. Monopsony in the Labour Market
26. Discrimination in the Labour Marke
27. Trade Unions in the Labour Market
28. The Distribution of Income and Wealth
29. Market Failure - Externalities
30. Climate Change Policies
31. Cost Benefit Analysis

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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