
Answers to the Economics Chart Game

Geoff Riley

19th June 2009

Here are the answers to the economics chart game played at the national conference yesterday - you can download the presentation using the link below

A: New car registrations (UK)
B: Average house prices for London (1) and Northern Ireland (2)
C: % of UK population aged +65
D: Gross government debt (UK)
E: Output of the UK coal industry
F: Pret a Manger outlets in London
G: Premier Inn outlets on Tyneside
H: UK real GDP
I: % of students reported as finding lessons boring
J: Per capita spending on healthcare
K: % of the population that lives alone
L: Mean age of giving birth
M: Sterling-US dollar exchange rate
N: International comparisons of labour productivity (GDP per head)
O: UK exports and imports of gas

Presentation and charts

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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