
Another Economics prop - for remembering MC=MR!

Ben Cahill

16th September 2011

My previous posts on this topic - Getting students to remember MC = MR and Remembering MC=MR part 2 were designed to (obviously) help students remember this vital formula when drawing graphs. Now I hope to make absolutely sure they don’t forget it with this teaching prop!

While there is a huge amount of products on this website with MC=MR printed on them, from shirts to cups, and even clocks, I think I will go with the MC=MR baseball cap. image

Wearing it for a couple of lessons per year should do the trick and when I’m not wearing it, my penguin (from my class pets) can have the honour!

On second thoughts, I think I will get the MC=MR clock. Whenever students look at how much time to go before they can leave (or more optimistically how much time left before they have to leave their favourite lesson and go off to something far less interesting) they will be reminded!

Ben Cahill

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