
An introduction to the EU - resources and approaches

Bob Hindle

28th August 2012

The European Union is one of two themes that - along with globalisation- form contexts for the ECON3 and ECON4 data response choices with AQA. I’ve always kicked off my A2 teaching with a general overview, both to check student background knowledge and to cover a few key themes, such as the aims of the EU, its history and the single market.

The EU website has a handy Teacher resources section. Sadly, the days of ordering free maps for the classroom seem gone in the digital age (old timers may remember the Europe Day postcards- 1st May!) but there are a number of wall chart downloads, videos on the EU’s ‘founding fathers’ and some interactive games. Try managing the EU budget at

The BBC has an updated EU Profile page which includes a map, as well as its really useful hub Inside Europe with interactive graphics and topics easily sorted.

There are some good short video clips on Youtube. Magic Bus is a personal favourite that takes you on a two minute tour of key issues in the Union, with The Who for audio company, as well as a slideshow on the history of EU enlargement- with commentary- from The Economist: easy to get students to watch this and put together a timeline of key dates/events

In his autobiography, Tony Blair says Mrs Thatcher told him the only countries he could count on for support in Europe were Denmark and the Netherlands. For a brief look at politics and rivalries this Guardian graphic on voting in the Eurovision song contest is worth a look- Cyprus votes for Greece and Greece for Cyprus…

Finally, there’s an Interactive map on the ECB website showing when countries joined the Euro. The confusing bit is still remembering which of the 27 are members of the Eurozone- I enjoy working with students on coming up with an acrostic or a mnemonic. Credit to Ben ‘the acrostic king’ Farnworth for CLIMBS GAP FINGS FES





Bob Hindle

Economics teacher,examiner and lecturer with several years experience at A/AS, IB and IGCSE. Key interests are in the economics of India and raising social mobility through education.

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