
Advertising slogans quiz

Geoff Riley

19th May 2010

A bit of light relief for my exam groups - a quick quiz of thirty advertising slogans for different products. The answers are in the attached word document.

Quiz Handout Advertising_slogans_quiz.student.docx

Quiz answers Slogans_quiz_answers.docx

1. Think different ( _____)
2. The world’s local bank ( ____)
3. Only a surfer knows the feeling (___________)
4. Vorsprung durch technik (_______)
5. Taste the rainbow (___________)
6. Because you are worth it. (______________)
7. The Power of Dreams (__________)
8. The car in front is a (___________)
9. You know who your mates are (___________)
10. “Have it your way.” (___________)
11. “Top bombing” (___________)
12. “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.” (________)
13. “Impossible is nothing” (___________)
14. “Snap! Crackle! Pop!” (__________)
15. “Finger lickin’ good.” (___________)
16. “Extraordinary purity” (___________)
17. “Believe in better” (___________)
18. “It needn’t be hell with” (___________)
19. “Don’t just book it. (___________) it
20. “Live unböring. (___________)
21. “Every little helps” (___________)
22. Supporting teachers, inspiring students (___________)
23. “Not for girls” (___________)
24. “It does exactly what it says on the tin” (___________)
25. “Simples” (____________)
26. “Once you pop, you just can’t stop” (___________)
27. Making the unmissable unmissable (___________)
28. Somethings in life are priceless, for everything else there’s (__________)
29. Ahhhhhhh (___________)
30. Reassuringly Expensive” - (___________)

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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