Advertising slogans quiz

19th May 2010
A bit of light relief for my exam groups - a quick quiz of thirty advertising slogans for different products. The answers are in the attached word document.
Quiz Handout Advertising_slogans_quiz.student.docx
Quiz answers Slogans_quiz_answers.docx
1. Think different ( _____)
2. The world’s local bank ( ____)
3. Only a surfer knows the feeling (___________)
4. Vorsprung durch technik (_______)
5. Taste the rainbow (___________)
6. Because you are worth it. (______________)
7. The Power of Dreams (__________)
8. The car in front is a (___________)
9. You know who your mates are (___________)
10. “Have it your way.” (___________)
11. “Top bombing” (___________)
12. “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.” (________)
13. “Impossible is nothing” (___________)
14. “Snap! Crackle! Pop!” (__________)
15. “Finger lickin’ good.” (___________)
16. “Extraordinary purity” (___________)
17. “Believe in better” (___________)
18. “It needn’t be hell with” (___________)
19. “Don’t just book it. (___________) it
20. “Live unböring. (___________)
21. “Every little helps” (___________)
22. Supporting teachers, inspiring students (___________)
23. “Not for girls” (___________)
24. “It does exactly what it says on the tin” (___________)
25. “Simples” (____________)
26. “Once you pop, you just can’t stop” (___________)
27. Making the unmissable unmissable (___________)
28. Somethings in life are priceless, for everything else there’s (__________)
29. Ahhhhhhh (___________)
30. Reassuringly Expensive” - (___________)