
A2 Micro Revision: Definition, Issue, Analysis, Evaluation

Geoff Riley

12th June 2011

These are the key things an examiner looks for.

1/ Definitions - precise, succinct, carefully used

2/ Issue - otherwise known as points

3 Analysis – Diagrams, ‘economics toolkit’

4/ Evaluation – Limitations to effectiveness, situations when something doesn’t work, which is the most effective and why, downsides of a policy

5/ Application and Knowledge are credited where there is data or own knowledge of an economy


- Use diagrams and ensure they are clear, annotated and correct!

- Use plenty of real world examples - often exam questions will say “using the data and your own knowledge”

- Use precise terminology – learn your definitions well

- Pick up on ‘trigger words’ in the exam question i.e. solely, inevitably, always etc

- Answer the question but back up any assertion made with evidence or examples

- Avoid repeating yourself in a conclusion – try to bring something new into the discussion

- Breadth and Depth of points – avoid a list, but don’t simply make one point!

- When writing essay answers – leave a line between each paragraph and make it clear that you are starting a new point ie ‘Secondly, ……’

- Most importantly MANAGE YOUR TIME

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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