
A2 Micro Business Economics Study Companion

Geoff Riley

17th August 2014

My 2014 Edexcel Unit 3 Course Companion has been extensively revised and updated. New elements include updates on recent changes to UK competition policy, an extended business glossary and numerous exam tips for stronger analysis and evaluation built into the main text. There is a large number of topical case study applications throughout the 29 main chapters and 142 pages.You can place an order for this companion - which is available for immediate dispatch - by clicking this link


1.Objectives of Businesses and the Growth of Firms

2.The Growth of Firms

3.Calculating the Revenue of a Firm

4.Calculating a Firm’s Costs

5.Production in the Short and the Long Run

6.Long Run Costs: Economies of Scale

7.Diseconomies of Scale


9.Divorce between Ownership and Control

10.Measuring Market Concentration

11.Barriers to Entry and Exit in Markets

12.Technological Change, Costs and Supply in the Long-run

13.Perfect Competition – Economics of Competitive Markets

14.Monopolistic Competition

15.Model of Pure Monopoly

16.Monopoly and Price Discrimination in Markets

17.Monopoly and Economic Efficiency

18.Oligopoly – Non Collusive Behaviour

19.Oligopoly – Collusion between Businesses

20.Oligopoly - Game Theory

21.Contestable Markets

22.Monopsony Power in Product Markets

23.Consumer and Producer Surplus

24.Summary on Market Structures

25.Government Intervention – Competition Policy

26.Government Intervention – Price Regulation

27.Government Intervention - Privatisation and Nationalisation

28.The Private Finance Initiative (PFI)

29.Industry in Focus - Water

30.Business Economics Glossary

You can place an order for this companion - which is available for immediate dispatch - by clicking this link

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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