A2 Development Economics Assignments
10th October 2012
Here are the two assignments that my students are writing about this week - I will post some of their answers on the blog at the weekend. I have also added in some research links to each question
1/ Natural Resource Curse
According to the World Bank, strong economic growth in the past decade among African countries rich in oil and minerals has failed to make a significant dent on their poverty levels. The decline in poverty rates in resource-rich countries has generally lagged behind that of countries without riches in the ground. Some countries, such as Angola, Congo-Brazzaville and Gabon, have witnessed an increase in the percentage of the population living in extreme poverty.
Research links:
- Africa's natural resources can be a blessing not a curse (Guardian)
- Africa's mineral wealth hardly denting poverty levels (Guardian)
- Boom time for Mozambique (Guardian)
- Poverty matters - natural resources and development (Guardian)
- Natural resources - curse or blessing, keynote talk by Paul Collier
- Lifting the resource curse (Oxfam policy paper 2009)
- Chile - the natural resource curse strikes again (Project Syndicate, October 2012)
Question: Explain why wage inflation is high in the Chinese economy and
evaluate the argument that rising wages provide more of an opportunity
for Chinese growth and development than a threat (20 marks)
Research links:
- Inflation, wages and economic growth (Economist)
- Manufacturing - the end of cheap China? (Economist)
- FoxConn worker strike (Guardian, Oct 2012)
- China - has it reached a Lewis Turning Point? (FT)
- A turning point for China? (Stephen Roach, Project Syndicate)
- China's war on inequality (Fan Gang, Project Syndicate)