
A lottery millionaire who still receives food stamps!

Ben Cahill

19th May 2011

The story of Leroy Fick makes for a super class discussion on who should be entitled to receive state help. Start off by asking them what criteria should be used for deciding who receives financial assistance from the government.

Answers may include income levels, number of children, wealth. Then share the story of Leroy Fick - a very lucky man who won US$2 million in a U.S state lottery last year. Despite this, he is still eligible to receive food stamps and is adamant that he will continue to receive his entitlement. Eligibility to receive food stamps is based on income and lottery winnings are not classed as income.

He doesn’t feel bad about continuing to take money from the government - watch a doorstep interview with him to hear his justification!

His luck may be running out though, all of the publicity has got the politicians scrambling to “close the loophole” - see this article.

Of course, making eligibility for benefits include a wealth (means) test as well as an income test has its own problems. Should the government force people to sell their assets (eg family home) if they require emergency benefits?

Enjoy the discussion!

Ben Cahill

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