
A Date for Your Diary - Cambridge in November!

Geoff Riley

20th June 2009

The Moller Centre in Cambridge has become one of our best-loved venues in recent years and we are returning there on Monday 23rd November for our ‘Energising the Economics Classroom’ conference. I am putting together the programme over the next few weeks but the theme of the day will be based around utilising new technologies in teaching Economics - in particular Web 2.0 media and macroeconomic simulation games. We hope to have an exciting announcement to make on this in the near future.

The Moller Centre has just been voted as the top business training venue in the United Kingdom, it is a wonderfully relaxing place to be and there are seventy very well equipped and peaceful study bedrooms on site for delegates wanting to stay before the conference and recharge the batteries. As is customary, tutor2u will be hosting an informal supper for bed and breakfast delegates on the Sunday night - the food at the Moller is excellent! - and there will be a free minibus service for delegates to get to the station immediately after the conference has concluded.

This is a weekend in the academic calendar that I always look forward to and we hope to see many of you there - old friends and new ones - in November! Provisional bookings can now be made - please give the tutor2u office a ring and let the girls know whether you would like to also stay on the Sunday night.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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