
Youth Unemployment in the UK

Geoff Riley

24th January 2011

Many students and teachers will be looking at the issue of rising unemployment in the UK at the moment - focusing on the causes of effects of a high number out of work and also the effectiveness of different strategies for getting people back in a job. Youth unemployment is an especially important structural problem in the labour market and new figures find that nearly one young person in five is unemployed. Indeed 260,000 under-16s live in homes where nobody has ever worked. Here are five links to supporting resources including news articles, background comment pieces and videos.

1/ David Blanchflower “Scrapping the EMA and cutting the young adrift” Guardian

2/ BBC news video “2.5 million jobless as youth unemployment hits record high”

3/ The Telegraph “Youth unemployment: can’t work or won’t work?”

4/ Guardian video “Youth unemployment a worsening problem in Leeds”

5/ Radio 4 Today Discussion “Young people ‘have given up hope’ of work”

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Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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