
$100 for a house? I’m moving to Detroit

Jim Riley

4th March 2010

After living in London for a number of years, I have become desensitised to ridiculously high house prices. Just last week when a friend of mine bought a one bedroom maisonette in a dodgy part of the city for a quarter of a million pounds, we all congratulated him on getting such a great deal. Little did we know that for just $100 you can get a whole house in Detroit. This may be an extreme example but with property prices dropping by 80% to an average of just £4,900, it is clear that something is very wrong in the city. This article is fantastic and could be used on a lesson supply and demand to show how a change in people’s income can affect demand for houses. I hope to use it as a starter today to show the negative effects of unemployment.

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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