
10 Great Ways to use Moodle in the Classroom

Geoff Riley

28th August 2009

I am spending some time this weekend improving our Moodle VLE courses for AS and A2 Economics - the response from schools and colleges to come on board and develop a collaborative course has been tremendous and there will be over thirty different schools, a hundred or more teachers and well over a thousand students having access when school starts in a few days.

Here is a super post from Miguel Guhlin, who recently re-posted a collection of 10 “Moodle instructional use scenarios” which is basically 10 ways that you might successfully use Moodle in the classroom.

1. Use Moodle to facilitate student blogs
2. Allow monitoring of forums through RSS
3. Use Moodle to host podcasts for students
4. Moodle use for peer review/evaluation of student writing
5. Use Moodle’s chat feature to facilitate online discussion and revision
6. Collaborate with a classroom in another school, state, country using a shared classroom space
7. Differentiate role assignments to give students more access to managing aspects of the course (such as rating forum posts, viewing submitted work—but not grading, editing certain resources and assignments)
8. Have access to student records and activity logs online
9. Interactive writing feedback directly from teachers (not necessarily peer evaluation)
10. Students can maintain a learning diary using the journal or online text assignment type
11. Online book discussions using forums

I am particularly keen this term to encourage personal student blogs and study journals and the use of wikis and student generated glossaries and forum entries. The Moodle course tracks student usage and provides many opportunities for feedback and extension and enrichment reading. Opening up the VLE course will be a fun aspect of new school year.

Geoff Riley

Geoff Riley FRSA has been teaching Economics for over thirty years. He has over twenty years experience as Head of Economics at leading schools. He writes extensively and is a contributor and presenter on CPD conferences in the UK and overseas.

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