
Recorded police statistics (Home Office Statistics)

Recorded police statistics refers to crimes that are reported to or detected by the police forces of England and Wales, that are seen to have been a criminal offence and worthy of investigation. The number of crimes recorded varies from the number of crimes that are reported due to a variety of factors, including whether police believe an offence to have occurred, the amount of evidence to prove that an event has occurred and if the person reporting the event wants to proceed with pressing charges. Recorded police statistics are seen as less reliable than other methods of recording crime, such as the Crime Survey of England and Wales, due to several factors. Firstly, they do not address the dark figure of crime, those crimes that for various reasons are not reported to the police. Secondly, the police make a judgement about whether a crime has occurred based upon the evidence that is presented to them. If this is inconclusive, it is unlikely that it will be recorded as a crime. Finally, police recorded crime often does not consider the amount of victimless crime in society, e.g., prostitution, drug use as it is unlikely to be reported by the public. As a result, police recorded statistics are no longer seen as the official level of crime in England and Wales.

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