
Level of response to crime

The media plays an important role in generating the level and type of response that authorities decide upon in response to criminal acts. If the media have generated a lot of attention towards a form of crime and this has motivated a public response (particularly through social media channels) this is more likely to see harsher punishments placed on those guilty of the crime. For example, many people received harsher sentences for their involvement in the London riots of 2011 due to the public response that was amplified by the media. As a result, harsher sentences were passed on these people to act as a deterrent to others who might consider committing similar acts in the future. A more contemporary example is the government’s reaction to the racist abuse received by English footballers on social media. The public's negative reaction to the use of racist language towards the footballers was amplified through social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram and forced the government to consider banning orders on those convicted of racial abuse from attending football games.

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