
Electronic gaming representations of crime

Electronic gaming has become one of the largest entertainment industries in recent years, worth an estimated $90 billion a year. As technology has advanced, the realism of electronic gaming has increased, with many games featuring life-like rendering of individuals and high-profile actors performing voice work for main characters. This has led to an increase in demand, particularly for games that feature elements of crime, such as the Grand Theft Auto series. Crimes in electronic games are often based upon more violent crimes and, whilst they are subject to age classifications, the ability for individuals to actively commit crimes whilst playing as a character has caused controversy. Some argue that electronic gaming leads to an increase in violent crime in society, particularly games with violent content, where characters do not face negative consequences for their actions. However, many critics suggest that there is no correlation between levels of gaming and crime with nations such as Japan, where gaming has a larger share of the entertainment industry, having low levels of crime in comparison with other nations with less access to electronic games.

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