
Crime Survey of England and Wales

The Crime Survey of England and Wales is a victim survey that is distributed to around 40,000 respondents each year. The survey asks if respondents have been the victim of crime in the past 12 months and, if so, what type of crime. It also measures individuals' fear of crime and is used to form official estimates for crime in England and Wales over the past 12 months. It has an advantage over police recorded crime as it accounts for the 'dark figure of crime', those crimes that are not reported to the police or are reported but not recorded by the police for numerous reasons. However, there are limitations. Victimless crimes, such as prostitution and drug offences, are not recorded. Neither are property offences, such as criminal damage to businesses. It also doesn't consider crimes where the victim is unaware that they are a victim of crime, such as corporate crime, state crime and some types of fraud, such as identity theft.

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