
Changing priorities

The media focus on certain crimes can lead to a change in policy and an increased focus on certain types of crimes over others. As politicians rely upon the consent of the people to govern, the reactions of individuals to a perceived threat to social harmony becomes important. As the media can amplify and dictate the concerns of the public, this plays a large role in deciding the priorities that politicians and other governmental agencies (such as the police) place on law and order. For example, in 2018 and 2019, public reactions to rising knife crime in London influenced the government's reaction to knife crime and the police enforcement of knife crime. This response reintroduced stop and search policies, where police could stop people if they suspected they were carrying a weapon. Further examples included the government’s response to terrorist activities following the London and Manchester terrorist attacks. As a result of media coverage, the government increased the number of police on the streets at large events and introduced searches at major venues to try and combat the threat of terrorism.

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