
Which business location is this? A simple starter activity

Jim Riley

8th March 2008

I’m a big fan of the free Google Earth. Here’s a suggestion for how it might be used as a simple starter or research activity in a business lesson.

Ok, the first screengrab from Google Earth (above) was pretty easy, since I used the 3D building layer to provide some strong clues. Did you guess where it is?

Then try your hand at the two further below.

This activity would work just as well (probably better in fact) if you or your students used the locality around your school or college as the basis for a “where am I” or “which business is this”.

All you need to to is take a screengrab (using a program like Snagit is highly recommended) and then select the area of the sat image you require.

Getting the students to come up with the location challenges would be even better, and the whole process encourages them to identify and locate on Google Earth the different and distinctive kinds of business location in the area.

So, where is this:


...and this?


copyright all images courtesy of Google Earth

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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