
Whats in a name? A puntastic way to start the new school year

Graham Prior

5th September 2011

Looking through some of my old blogs, I found this one which is a really belter to use as a starter activity for new Business Studies groups.

As a starter, I got the the students to come up with business names based around puns. Gave them a few examples I did and then got them to come up with their own in small groups. A good way to get kids engaged early on.

Some of the examples I gave were:

Chain reaction - A bike shop Sole trader - A shoe shop I discovered in Chester The cod father - Fish and chip shop Millionhairs - A dog grooming salon

Excellent for allowing children to be creative.

This year, I will also be telling the students of an off licence that has just opened up in Sunderland. Its name, Amy’s Winehouse! If you don’t believe it, Google it!

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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