
What an amazing week at WOW! Business!

Graham Prior

19th November 2014

Last week saw the launch of WOW! Business which stepped into the huge shoes of TBBLE (The Best Business Lesson Ever).The format is simple; a resource packed day dedicated to the teaching and learning of Business Studies.WOW! Business began last week in Manchester where I was joined by the amazing Kate Phillips who teaches in Ysgol Bryn Alyn, Wrexham. WOW! Business then travelled to Birmingham before finishing in London where I was joined by the also amazing Joe Corcoran from Greenhead College, Huddersfield. Delegates were treated to over 30 brand new teaching and learning resources specifically designed to help engage and motivate students as well as helping to deliver core business studies topics such as location, profit and loss, stakeholders, organisational structures, demand and many, many more.Next week WOW! Business lands in Glasgow on the 25th November and then arrives in Cardiff on the 28th. Details can be found here.One of the many, many highlights of last week was meeting up with business teacher Ardy Mahmoudi who just happened to be wearing the same shirt, trousers and shoes as Joe!

Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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