
Video case study - Jute in Time

Jim Riley

22nd April 2009

The first time I noticed a product in our house made out of jute was when I saw the heavy kitchen chair landing on top of our little black labrador pup. She had grabbed hold of a new jute Sainsbury’s shopping bag which I had mistakenly left hanging off the chair - and started pulling and tugging. The jute bag and puppy survived the encounter - but the chair was a bit shaken up.

So we’ve joined the growing number of consumers demanding a product featured in this excellent video clip about production in India. The environmental campaign against plastic bags seems to have gone global now - which is good news for wildlife and beaches, and also for jute factories in India. A great clip to use as part of any scheme of work looking at changes in the polical/environmental external environment:

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Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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