
UWP Mission to Loyka – Week 7 activity

Paul Hoang

17th March 2012

How well do you know the UWP case study? Take this week’s comprehension quiz to find out…

Review the case study and then answer these questions (without looking at the case study).

1. Does Kos Palouk own a car?

2. Who in the case study is 54 years old: Colonel Donovan, General Pierce of Kos Palouk?

3. Who suggested that the UWP should recruit female doctors?

4. Who was undecided about which project (hospital or university campus) to pursue?

5. Who was the first Commander of the UWP Mission to Loyka?

6. In which year did Colonel Donovan complete the critical path analysis: 2009, 2010 or 2011?

7. How much would the land for the construction of the hospital or university campus cost?

8. Which would take longer to construct – the university campus or the hospital?

9. State any one of the three driving forces for a change in the UWP’s strategy.

10. Which construction project would bring long-term development to Beral?



1. Does Kos Palouk own a car? Yes

2. Who in the case study is 54 years old: Colonel Donovan, General Pierce of Kos Palouk? Kos Palouk

3. Who suggested that the UWP should recruit female doctors? Colonel Donovan

4. Who was undecided about which project (hospital or university campus) to pursue? General Pierce

5. Who was the first Commander of the UWP Mission to Loyka? General Ron Meiri

6. In which year did Colonel Donovan complete the critical path analysis: 2009, 2010 or 2011? 2011

7. How much would the land for the construction of the hospital or university campus cost? Nothing!

8. Which would take longer to construct – the university campus or the hospital? Hospital (by 5 weeks)

9. State any one of the three driving forces for a change in the UWP’s strategy. Increased local opposition (including violence to the Olive Hats); Decrease in troop’s motivation and satisfaction; Leadership not in control of situation

10. Which construction project would bring long-term development to Beral? University

For more tips and guidance on preparing for the UWP case study, take a look at the IBID Press Case Study Pack.

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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