
UK manufacturing - GlaxoSmithKline invests in 1,000 new jobs

Penny Brooks

22nd March 2012

The relationship between business and the government - one important element of this is government support for business investment through fiscal policy (taxation), regulation and legislation. Yesterday Glaxo announced that they were investing £500mn in a new factory in Cumbria which will provide 1,000 much needed jobs. And this extract from the BBC article about this shows how government has helped to bring this about: Glaxo said it was motivated specifically by Chancellor George Osborne’s confirmation in the Budget on Wednesday that the government would introduce so-called patent boxes.

These allow corporations to pay a lower rate of tax on profits generated from UK-owned intellectual property.

“The introduction of the patent box has transformed the way in which we view the UK as a location for new investments, ensuring that the medicines of the future will not only be discovered, but can also continue to be made here in Britain,” said Glaxo chief executive Sir Andrew Witty.

“Consequently, we can confirm that we will build GSK’s first new UK factory for almost 40 years.”

A useful little piece of evidence to use if writing BUSS4 essays on this topic.

Penny Brooks

Formerly Head of Business and Economics and now Economics teacher, Business and Economics blogger and presenter for Tutor2u, and private tutor

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