Topic updates
The future of shopping: what's in store?
This Economist clip is brilliant, looking as it does at the history of retail and the implications of the pandemic on shopping habits.
How Emirates Makes 225,000 In-Flight Meals A Day
This video takes us behind the world's largest catering organisation (well - second to the kitchen in the Tutor2u office at lunchtime) Stunning stuff. Do they monitor how much food and other waste...
Automation challenges call centre jobs
Automation (particularly through chatbots) is transforming / disrupting the call centre industry.
The rise of the freelancer
Chances are many students will know friends or family who are self-employed - one of the scariest but also exhilarating ways of being an entrepreneur. Self-employment is on the rise, as this BBC...
Quality in Business - Key Topic Revision for 2018
QUALITY was one of the key topic areas that didn't feature in the 2017 papers. We've grouped some essential revision materials on quality together here - make sure you cover them just in case it...
How All You Can Eat Restaurants Make Money
How do all-you-can eat restaurants make profits? The secret is in the layout + some other behavioural tricks customers are almost certainly not aware of!
Revising all those business models!
There are business models aplenty to revise for A level. Handily, the Tutor2u business blog brings them all together in this cluster of useful tweets! Just follow the links!
Inside iPhone City
A hat tip to Jon Inge who spotted this Business Insider report on a visit to the FoxConn complex 20 miles outside downtown Zhengzhou where more than half of the world's iPhones are assembled by a...
CSR: How changing coffee tastes are helping farmers
CSR gold! BBC News explores the rise of ethical coffee brewing as more consumers become concerned about the provenance of their morning drink.
Trade Unions and Younger Workers
An interesting TUC reflection on the continued relevance of trade unions, and the need for young workers to join unions. The headline is a bit misleading: it should read "Unions need young workers...
The Secret Team Who Developed the iPhone
A fascinating series of short interviews here with the developers of the first iPhone.
Leadership: CEO Satya Nadella’s Vision for Microsoft
This 10 minute interview by the Verge with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella provides a terrific overview of Microsoft's strategy as well as providing insights into the leadership style of Satya Nadella.
Some Great Leaders to Research for BUSS4 in June 2016
Leadership has got to be a hot favourite for one of the Section B essay options in the final BUSS4 sitting in June 2016! Here is a quick selection of business leaders who are well worth researching...
Innovation & Growth Strategy: Smartphone Makers Turn to Wearables
This is a superb short video that can be used to explore how technological change is influencing the innovation strategy of major electronics firms.
This article in InternetRetailing is packed with powerful lines of analysis for students researching the importance of strategic choices made by retailers.
Organisational Culture: Tony Hsieh on Zappos, Core Values, Culture and Organisational Structure
If students are looking for a case study of a business that is truly built around a deliberate attempt to create and nurture a strong organisational culture, they need look no further than online...
How Technology is Transforming the Delivery Business
A gentle look here at the ways in which technology is transforming the logistics industry, focusing on the changing work of the delivery driver.
Success in E-commerce? The Supply Chain is Critical
This is a terrific article from InternetRetailing packed with useful insights for students needing to understand the importance of suppliers in a successful e-commerce strategy.
Localisation - adapting the marketing mix to reflect the needs and wants of local customers - is a key factor in the success (or otherwise) of businesses wanting to succeed in international...
Is Offering Online Grocery Simply a Hygiene Factor?
Making e-commerce profitable is extremely challenging in the UK grocery market. It has taken many of the key players an incredibly long time to make online profitable. Even then, the margins are...
Showing 1 to 20 of 26 results
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