
Think Pair Share

Graham Prior

21st November 2010

This is a vintage teaching activity that is worthy of gracing any lesson.

Think Pair Share involves students thinking individually about a concept, then discussing it with the person next to them (pair) and then sharing it with the rest of the class. Attached is a template which I have designed to facilitate this excellent activity.

Download template here: ThinkPairShare.doc

Last week, I used Think Pair Share when delivering AQA A2 Business BUSS3 on delayering. I gave each student a template and asked them to think of all the issues related to delayering (pro’s, con’s, problems implementing, anything)and note them down in the ‘Think’ part of the template.

After 2 minutes I asked them to discuss their points with the person next to them and then record any new points in the ‘Pair’ section. Once they had done that, we discussed delayering as a class and each student recorded any new issues in the ‘Share’ section of the template.

Bingo…a template full of delayering issues..and I hardly did any you can’t say fairer than that.

Best Wishes

His Lordship….............


Graham Prior

Graham is an experienced teacher, examiner, moderator and lover of education with a passion for teaching and learning.

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