
There’s More Than One Right Answer: Ownership

Jim Riley

1st October 2012

This mini case study activity deals with the subject matter of ownership status but is more focussed on developing students skills at writing answers for Business Studies and demonstrating that business is not an exact science.

This task is the first in a series of activities I intend to blog looking at the issue in Business Studies that sometimes there is more than one right answer to a question and it is more about 'how' the student answers the question rather than the answer they give. Of course it is important to stress to students that some areas such as finance there is a right answer but also we all know that sometimes there are multiple answers or answers that vary in appropriateness, but can all allow students to demonstrate the necessary understanding and skills. The intention with this task is to ask the students to work in groups of three and all answer the same question but they are forced to give three different answers. The students should then feedback to one another and glean that in Business Studies they need to consider a range of answers and demonstrate a range of skills. There are answer templates that are designed to get students to focus on how they are answering the question and are they demonstrating all the necessary skills of knowledge, application, analysis and evaluation.


Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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