
The Three Little Pigs V The Big Bad Wolf. Who is the guilty party?

Michael Albanese

22nd January 2014

This was an interesting advert from The Guardian that can be used to introduce a lesson on exam technique and evaluation.Before showing the 2 minute video, ask the class to evaluate whether or not the wolf from the fable was guilty. The answer is invariably one-sided and the wolf is painted as a mindless tormentor who blew down houses for fun.Show the clip and then ask the class how the case was made against the little pigs. They should explain how the specifics of the case are examined and analysed (as is the misrepresented antagonist) and a range of quantitative and qualitative evidence is used. The “evaluation” makes a decision, gives the reason, considers the financial and social implications and examines the long term ramifications…. everything the students need to do to get top marks! Hope it helps.

Michael Albanese

Assistant Curriculum Lead for Business and Law at Solihull Sixth Form College

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