
The tattoo - advertising for life!

Ben Cahill

10th May 2011

Not sure if you want to be encouraging your students down this line of work, but some people are prepared to tattoo the logo or web address on their body for an appropriate fee.

A case in point is “Billy the Billboard” who was offering space on his head - although should a business be successful in the eBay auction then they would be ninth website / company to do so. Perhaps there is an issue of “diminishing effectiveness” ie the first tattoo would really stand out but each subsequent one gets noticed less. In any case, details of the auction showed that Billy was unsuccessful with his US$300 reserve.


It is perhaps an option for those businesses who find it difficult to promote themselves in the mainstream media. I tried to look up after seeing it on his neck but wasn’t allowed access via the school network (which is usually pretty liberal) as it was classified under weapons!”

Ben Cahill

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