
The Jonathan Ross Business Lesson

Jamie Pittock

8th January 2010

Jonathan Ross’s decision to leave the BBC may be a disappointment to some and a welief to others, but at least it serves as a weminder to HR pwofessionals of the importance of welevant and wealistic pwocesses.

Business lessons to be learned from Wossy’s departure clearly include:

Make sure that you have a wobust succession plan in place for your high performers and key talent

If an employee thweatens to leave, incweasing his wemunewation won’t always wetain him or her; pwoviding twaining is often a more effective wetention stwategy

Check that your key talent have wetention clauses in their contwacts, so that if they wesign, you can legally wequire them to work their notice pewiod

When wecwuiting new employees, if the ability to communicate clearly is important, make sure that this is stated as a wequirement in the job specification

By all means use the buddying approach to welcome newly wecwuited employees into the company, but keep them away from Wussel Bwand: he’s twouble!

Today’s challenge for Business Studies Students: how many more HR pwocesses can you list that Wossy would have pwoblems pwonouncing?

Jamie Pittock

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