
The internet and business - 10 years after the crash

Tom White

12th March 2010

It’s 10 years since the crash and the internet has become a daily feature of life and business activity. For those of you too young to remember, there was a lot of internet hype in the years leading up to 2000. Everyone sensed that the internet was going to be big, but few firms had actually worked out ways of making money from the web. A lorry load of cash was thrown at Net-based start-ups – much of it was lost. That was the crash. Fast forward a decade and a terrific tool from the BBC can show you at a glance where much internet traffic is headed.

You can use this page to see the biggest sites on the internet, the top social networks, search engines, retailers and media channels. There are also tabs so you can see a ‘rich list’ of internet moguls and follow the explosive growth of the web.

Tom White

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