
The Imperial – Week 4 activity (Podcast recording)

Paul Hoang

26th January 2014

This week’s activity is for students (and teachers if they like) to create a MP3 recording of The Imperial. Students can then listen to their ‘favourite’ bedtime story at home and/or whilst travelling to/from school to consolidate their understanding of the case study.

  • Have a go at recording yourself reading the case study – this might take you several attempts but you’ll get to know the case study very quickly this way!You can use any recording device such as an iPad, smartphone or free online software such as Audacity (
  • You could do this in small groups for a bit more fun.
  • Alternatively, you could use free software to record the text to audio for you (but that’s clearly less fun!) A useful free download can be found at Natural Readers: or Verbose:
  • Listen to your podcast – this should prove useful whilst ‘on the go’ to/from school and is ideal for auditory learners.
  • The Imperial case study might even become your ‘favourite bedtime story’!

Have fun doing this!

Please note that the IBO’s intellectual property rights means that you must not distribute your podcast without the written permission of the IBO.

The tutor2u Case Study Pack 2014 for The Imperial is now available for purchase from tutor2u.

Paul Hoang

Paul Hoang is Vice Principal at Sha Tin College, English Schools Foundation, in Hong Kong. He is passionate about teaching that is engaging for learners. Paul is a blogger and presenter for tutor2u.

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