
The Imperial: Fakebook Fun

Jim Riley

22nd February 2014

As part of our preparation for the IB Business and Management case study, The Imperial, I had my year 13s create Fakebook pages of the characters, using Class Tools’ Fakebook page developer. The students set about finding relevant images to represent the characters, adding personal details and even creating likely conversations between the characters' walls.

They were given a few minutes to prepare their pages using as much detail as they could remember, and then moved around the room commenting on each other’s walls and adding detail where it was needed… it was a fun activity and we even had some interesting (and very likely) wall arguments sparking up between a couple of them, as they really started to get into it their characters. It is good to assign the characters before the lesson so they can research them and arrive prepared to save class time. The task showed they are getting to grips with the characters and helped fill gaps they might have had in their knowledge. Feedback afterwards was very positive and not only did they enjoy it but they felt they gained a greater understanding of everyone featured in The Imperial. Why not give it a go…

Jim Riley

Jim co-founded tutor2u alongside his twin brother Geoff! Jim is a well-known Business writer and presenter as well as being one of the UK's leading educational technology entrepreneurs.

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