
The Great Business Logo Bake Off!

Ben Cahill

10th November 2012

Reading the Great British (Economics) Bake Off! over on the Economics blog reminded me of the Business Logo competition that our department ran earlier in the year. The task was to bake a cake with a business logo and we offered a small prize to the winner and entrants were able to sample each other's cakes (after photos were taken of course)!

In the end there was also plenty of cake for the crowd who came to witness the judging (held at lunchtime). It was good publicity for the department and lots of fun. In the end it was only girls who baked cakes so for next year I am going to try and think of strategies to get the boys involved in the baking as well (they were perfectly happy to eat the cakes...)

The winner was judged to be the Ferrari cake (and was also delicious!) The runner up was BNW which was a play on "Business Week"

Ben Cahill

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