
The Fabio Capello Business Lesson

The fairly lacklustre performance of England against the USA on Saturday evening gives an excuse to look at the rather breathaking salary paid to Fabio Capello, and also to compare it to that of Sir Alf Ramsey.

The article on HR Case Studies mainly focuses on the difference in salaries between Ramsey and Capello (Capello earns more in six days than Sir Alf earned in his entire 11 years as England manager) but there is plenty of scope to use the information as a lead in to a discussion of the justification for such high salaries in any field of work, and also ask the question of whether “smart people” are overrated (follow the links to “The Talent Myth” in The New Yorker for a thought provoking article)

HR Case Studies: The Fabio Capello business lesson

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