
The ethics of sponsorship - an NUFC view!

Ben White

10th October 2012

Newcastle United’s £24million sponsorship-deal with Wonga the high-interest, short term "payday" loan company, has generated a great deal of opposing comments from both supporters of, and opposition, to the new sponsors. Business students may consider this alongside the role of sponsorship within the context of marketing – is any publicity good publicity? Or will this debate simply harm the fortunes of (my beloved) NUFC and/or news report on the UK growth of these firms can be found here

The whole debate might also be considered in the ‘business ethics’ part of your Business Studies course. Sponsorship has long caused debate on the ethical sides with sponsorships from alcoholic beverages to cigarette manufacturers being in the media in recent years. Here are some opposing views to kick off the debate: MP’s who attacked and the sponsorship deal immediately, followed by a defence of Newcastle United’s right to accept their cash and a warning that some of the players may not accept the sponsorship based on their beliefs.

In order to come to a well-balanced and analytical viewpoint, you could even change your mind as quickly as this supporter ( subtitles not included)!

Ben White

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