
The Dragons get it Wrong

Tom White

19th June 2012

Hopefully you’ll be in a situation either in school, college or real life in which you have to make a product “pitch”. And there’s a good chance your audience might hate your ideas! Here’s some reassurance. The experts don’t get it right every time, and there is room for innovative ideas that eventually do find a market.

According to The Telegraph, when Guy Jeremiah originally presented his idea for a collapsible water bottle on the BBC programme Dragons’ Den two years ago all the Dragons dismissed the idea. Theo Paphitis even told the entrepreneur it was one those “I’d really want to stick pins in my eyes” moments.

But Mr Jeremiah has defied the Dragons and is pursuing his idea of the Aquatina collapsible bottle, which is marketed as a cheap and environmentally friendly alternative to buying bottled water. He has sold 100,000 bottles and signed a distribution deal with Marks & Spencer. The Dragons may not have liked it, but M&S said the product was “perfect for the summer months when you’re on the go and need a bottle of water to hand without the hassle of having to carry something heavy around”.

So there’s something to be said for sticking with your ideas … but expert advice and careful market research is almost always useful!

Tom White

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